Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Mini Chicken Alfredo Pizzas

Last night I was making what I call a "white" pizza for dinner when I had the most fantastic idea EVER. I knew that the five us sharing one pizza was probably going to end in my husband munching on snacks after dinner, so I decided to make mini pizzas for the triplets. I'd bought sandwich rounds for their Easter Benito but hadn't touched them since. Then it came to me, use the sandwich rounds as pizza crust!

I put them on a pan covered in foil...which in my book means I don't have to clean the pan just throw away the foil. Lazy? Yes! Time-saving? You betcha!

Next, I added Alfredo sauce. I buy the mix packets for 80 cents on sale. All you have to do is add butter, water and stir, but you can just as easily buy the jar. It just costs more $$. I usually make a packet and freeze what I don't use for the next time I need it. I don't buy for the brand, I buy for the price... like I've said before: We're not feeding food critics are we?

Then add thawed frozen or fresh chopped spinach. Just enough to cover about 1/3 of each pizza.

After the spinach, I added a layer of shredded mozzarella cheese. Just enough to cover the entire mini pizza, about 1/3 of a cup per pizza.

Next, add canned artichokes. Yes, all of my children ate them last night! So can yours ;) They're on the expensive side for my tastes, but I wait for them to go on sale and buy a few jars. I used about 1/2 of a heart per mini pizza. So about .30 cents worth didn't seem too bad to me...

Next, I added pieces of bacon and chicken. This is usually the most time consuming part of making these pizzas. When you use precooked bacon and diced chicken it doesn't take more than a minute in the microwave. The interesting thing I have found is that this kind of bacon is actually close to the same price as the regular bacon. Also, I can catch the bag of frozen chicken on sale for $4.99... that's in the neighborhood of .20 a ounce/ $3 a pound. Kind of on the $$ side but well worth the time it saves me. I used 1/3 of a piece of chopped bacon and 5 pieces of diced chicken per mini pizza.

This is what they looked like at this point.

I then put them in a preheated oven at 400* for 10 minutes.

And with 10 minutes of prep and 10 minutes of cooking. I had a healthy meal for my toddlers!

I added cut fruit and frozen blueberries and my kids ate every bite

Grocery List:
Sandwich Rounds
Canned Artichokes
Frozen Chicken
Alfredo Mix
Cut Fruit
Mozzarella Cheese

Here's some pictures of my kids eating their pizza's last night just for fun. They loved it!



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