Monday, April 23, 2012

Meatballs in 10 minutes--Cheater Style

I love meatballs! While I usually hate any and all red meat... not for any particular reason. Seriously, it doesn't have anything to do with health, animal rights, etc. I just don't like the taste more often than not. There are exceptions to this rule with meatballs being one of my favorites!

Let's be honest I don't have all day to actually m-a-k-e meatballs. I mean by the time I got ground meat all over my hands, I'd have a toddler screaming somewhere. It would be a never ending battle of washing my hands only to have to put them in meat again 5 seconds later after I broke up the 10th fight of the day over the Fisher Price farm set. So I naturally buy frozen meatballs from Sam's.
The flavor doesn't really matter one way or another. I mean it's not like we're feeding food critics right?

Fill a pan on the stove with about 3 cups worth of meatballs. Then add Chili Sauce. Again Heinz, Kroger Brand, whatever. You can add up to an entire bottle. I usually use 2/3 though.

Next, add a whole can of cranberry sauce... I mean I usually hate the stuff. Who likes something the shape of can right? But hey it tastes good in this! You can use the sauce or the kind with whole berries. I usually wait for it to go on sale and buy the off brand. I mean cranberries are cranberries..

Then, turn on the stove, or crock pot if you so inclined, to medium and start cooking! Stir infrequently and cook on the stove about 20 minutes or in a crock pot for around a hour.

It comes out looking like this!

Now add some fruit, broccoli, and noddles and you have yourself a toddler dinner. While I don't usually eat the same thing I feed my kids... I totally eat this. Not that my husband wouldn't eat my toddler meals... I'm just not really a dinner person.

Save the extra sauce and freeze it. We'll use it later in other dishes! Making these meatballs one time will yield enough extra sauce for weeks worth of pre-made meals! You can also add this directly to frozen stir fry with noddles for a great all around meal!

Grocery List:
  • Frozen Meatballs
  • Frozen Stir Fry Mix
  • Chili Sauce
  • Cranberry Sauce


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