So... you have nothing prepared to feed your toddler for dinner what do you do? First go to your pre-cut fruit. Fruit that comes easy to feed toddlers is $$. I always boy cantloupe, honey dew, pineapple, watermealon, on sale and cut it as soon as I get home. I then feed it with every meal. I keep it in a large container. This way, I stay away from the canned peaches and oranges that always suck you in. So add your fruit to your plate!
Next, always... I mean ALWAYS! Keep turkey hot dogs on hand in case of emergency. They beat chicken nuggets any day and are 100 times faster. Buy the more expensive kind and make sure it's turkey and get over your organic loving self and let your kid have a hot dog for pete's sake! This is what I call and octopus hot-dog. Believe it or not my kindergarten teacher taught me this. Don't ask me how I remember:
Cut in half, then cut in half 3/4's of the way up in the middle, and on each outter edge. Next, rotate the hot-dog 90* and cut two strips in the same way. Heat in the microwave for 40 seconds in a paper towel. Trust me you want to cut first. It's not fun cutting a hot hot-dog! Add to plate.
Next, get an avocado out (buy on sale and keep in the crisper. They last forever) Cut in half and let the pit fall out. Then cut into strips and add to the plate.
I happened to have cherry tomatoes. These are actually easy to grow yourself, but I had a coupon. Cut in half, and add to the plate. I sprinkled pepper over the avocado and the tomatoes. Do you eat either cherry tomatoes or avocado without pepper or salt? No... then why should your kids? I skip the salt for the kids, but pepper is okay in my book in small amounts. It'll make your kids a whole lot easier to feed in the long run if they like and eat pepper now. Can't you just hear the screaming when they hate Grandma's meatloaf because it has pepper? That's screaming I never want to hear. Add the pepper!
Next, is pasta salad! I cheated... I bought suddenly salad.... sue me. Then added olive oil, shredded carrots, and eggs and ranch. I think that's a grand total of $3? It was left over from a BBQ and I hate wasted food... so onto the toddlers plates it goes.
There you have it.... this is what my kids eat on an "off" night. It's about having the right foods on hand, not about having "time" or really even being prepared. Trust me it takes longer to buy and heat up chicken nuggets than it does to buy and make this :)
- Grocery List:
- Cantaloupe
- Avocado
- Suddenly Salad
- Oil
- Ranch
- Turkey Hot Dog
- Cherry Tomatoes
- Shredded Carrots
- Hard Boiled Eggs
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